Resource Library

To support you in your efforts to create more inclusive communities, we have compiled this resource library. It will be updated periodically. For more tools and resources, consider becoming a member to access member-only resources.

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Welcoming Cities Standard

By: Welcoming Australia
The Welcoming Cities Standard establishes the framework for local councils to benchmark their cultural diversity and inclusion policies and practices across the organisation; identify where and how further efforts could be directed; and assess progress over time.

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Welcoming Cities Accreditation

By: Welcoming Australia
Accreditation with Welcoming Cities (Australia) benchmarks councils across the six categories of the Standard.

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Welcoming Communities Standard

By: Welcoming Communities, Immigration New Zealand
The communities, councils, and agencies involved in Welcoming Communities (New Zealand) co-designed the Standard together. New Zealanders also had input through a nation-wide consultation in 2017.

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Welcoming Communities Accreditation Manual

By: Welcoming Communities, Immigration New Zealand
The communities, councils, and agencies involved in Welcoming Communities (New Zealand) co-designed the Standard together.

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Weltoffene Kommune Self-check – in English

By: Bertelsmann Foundation and PHINEO
This self-check provides [cities and communities] in Germany with an instrument that supports them in shaping and developing their integration and diversity work.

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Weltoffen Komune Selbstcheck – auf Deutsch

By: Bertelsmann Foundation and PHINEO
Der Selbstcheck gibt Kommunen in Deutschland ein Instrument an die Hand, das sie darin unterstützt, ihre Integrations- und Diversitätsarbeit zu gestalten und weiterzuentwickeln.

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Inclusive Cities Framework

By: Welcoming Cities / COMPAS
This framework draws on the learning from [an] action planning process.

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LIAT: The Local Inclusion Action Tool (LIAT)

The Local Inclusion Action Tool, developed by OECD, Migration Policy Group (MPG), Welcoming International and Intercultural Cities/Council of Europe, is an attempt to distill the most up-to-date knowledge on what works in terms of migrant and refugee inclusion at the local level.

Available: in English, en español, en français

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